Thursday, October 25, 2007


Wow. I thought it would be easier to write the first post. I have so much to say, don't I? It seems, though, that there is not a natural beginning to it all, so I'll just have to start somewhere in the middle. Or the end.

My sixteen months old daughter picked up a mushroom in the back yard this afternoon and shoved it in her mouth.
I ran towards her, took it out of her mouth, and did something that I did not imagine that I will ever ever ever do. I tried to force vomitting. She gagged a bit, but nothing came out. I cleared her mouth thoroughly and let her be. She seemed pretty happy and not disturbed by the whole incident.

Which got me to thinking - Wow. I respect her and her body so much, that she accepts my behaviour as necessary and caring even though it is probably unpleasant.
Wow #2. She is such a gatherer! And she loves mushrooms. She even said "p-Tiya!" which is toddler Hebrew for mushroom.

Then she went and played with the birthing pool that is now collecting rain water, pine needles and four dead bumblebees. She used a stick and squirted water around. This little one is a bundle of joy.

Joy. Bundled. Yep. That's her.

So anyway, then we went home, and I looked it up on the internet, and even though I can't be a hundred percent sure, it looked like a Saffron Milk Cap, an edible mushroom that grows in grass under conifers. I nursed her a lot this afternoon, probably trying to give her a boost of health... totally irrational... And figured out A. that if she did swallow anything it wasn't much, B. that it is most likely an edible mushroom, and C. that if it was this poisonous, we would probably not be here to tell the tale (as a species I mean)

What makes it harder is the fact that my husband is on a business trip across the Atlantic. So no one to call in case of an emergency. Argh.

They say it takes a village. I am still looking for one.

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